To be an open-minded, risk-taking, Christian faith community seeking justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with our God by following Jesus and his way, including being welcoming, open and affirming to all and being engaged in the wider world with acts of love, peace and justice.
Open and Affirming
Our denomination leads the nation in churches that are Open and Affirming (ONA),
meaning we are welcoming and honoring LGBTQ+ and all others just as they, you, and we are.
Whether Black, Indigenous, Person of Color, White, LGBTQ, Straight, Disabled, Old,
Young, Middle-aged, Male, Female, or anyone else, you are precious in our sight. In short, we understand God’s love is unconditional, that all matter much, and that our wide-open embrace comports with that Love and Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbors.
Our ONA Statement
We at First Congregational United Church of Christ of Mount Vernon celebrate that all are created in the image of God and that all are children of God. We acknowledge that we are called to be in covenant with people of every race, ethnicity, creed, socioeconomic group, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity as we journey together with our “Still Speaking God.” We invite you all to join us in implementing our mission statement to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God by fully sharing in the worship, rites, sacraments, and ministry of this congregation.
Where To Find Us
Please consider worshiping with us if you live in the area or are traveling through. We would love to meet you face to face and together share and experience Christ’s transforming, unconditional love.
Our address is First Congregational UCC, 200 N MAIN ST, MOUNT VERNON, OH 43050. Our services start at 9:30 am Sunday Mornings. Afterward, join us downstairs in the social hall at the hospitality table for snacks and coffee. At 11:00 am Fall-Spring) we gather for Sunday School and Adult Forum (check the schedule for weekly topics).