Article I. NAME
The name of the church is First Congregational United Church of Christ, located in Mount Vernon, Ohio (Hereinafter “FCUCC”).
Section 1. FCUCC’s mission is: to be an open-minded, risk-taking, Christian faith community seeking justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with our God by following Jesus and his way, including being welcoming, open and affirming to all and being engaged in the wider world with acts of love, peace and justice.
Section 2. FCUCC’s vision is to be an embracing community, public sanctuary, and prophetic Christian voice as a non-judgmental, Christ-centered church that seeks to share and experience the transformative, inclusive and unconditional love of God through the teachings and experiential presence of Jesus.
Section 3. FCUCC’s members covenant to honor, support and participate in the Church’s mission and vision.
Section 1. FCUCC freely joins in covenant with the United Church of Christ, banding together for mutually supportive ministry and mission with other local churches in the Central Southeast Ohio Association, the Ohio Conference, and the wider United Church of Christ.
Section 2. In keeping with its mission and vision, and in accordance with the standards and guidelines of the United Church of Christ, FCUCC has been designated as an “Open and Affirming” Congregation of the United Church of Christ. The “Open and Affirming” statement that we abide by is: We, at First Congregational United Church of Christ of Mount Vernon, celebrate that all are created in the image of God, that all are children of God. We acknowledge that we are called to be in covenant with people of every race, ethnicity, creed, socio-economic group, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation and gender identity as we journey together with our “Still Speaking God.” We invite all to join us in implementing our mission statement to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God, by fully sharing in the worship, rites, sacraments and ministry of this Congregation.
Section 3. The governance of FCUCC resides in its members and elected leaders, acting consistently with Jesus’ teachings, The Word of God, and subject to this Constitution and to applicable provisions of the Bible, and applicable laws.
Section 1. FCUCC invites people of every race, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, ability, financial means, and ethnic and spiritual background into the full life and ministries of the Congregation. In keeping with its Congregational heritage, FCUCC does not have set beliefs or a confession of faith that serve as a requirement for membership.
Section 2. The membership of FCUCC shall consist of persons who accept the membership covenant in Article II, Section 3, and are received as members by professing that acceptance in a manner allowed by the church including by assertion during reception in Section 3, or by confirmation, affirmation of faith, or letter of transfer from another church. Baptism is encouraged but not required.
Section 3. Members will ordinarily be received during a regular worship service. However, the Pastor, together with one or more members of Council present may receive candidates into membership in cases of physical or emotional concerns.
Section 4. Members shall have the right to vote at all Congregational Meetings that they attend and to serve on the Council of FCUCC, and shall have such additional rights as are specified in this Constitution.
Section 5. A person may retain existing membership in another Congregation or another faith, but may not vote on a matter where a direct conflict of interest between Congregations arises.
Section 6. Any member may upon written request be released from membership and/or receive a letter of transfer to another church.
Section 7. Members who have not been in communication with FCUCC, attended a FCUCC service nor contributed financially to its support for two years or more, may be removed from the membership roll by a majority vote of Council, provided that a reasonable effort has been made to communicate with any such members prior to their removal and there was no response by communication, attendance or financial support. Council, keeping in mind the substance of Matthew 18:15-17, may otherwise remove a member or condition membership or participation in the church with two-thirds vote of Council.
Section 1. The Governing Body of this church is the membership assembled in a Congregational Meeting. The Congregation will meet in January of each year to approve the annual budget, elect Council members, and attend to such other business as may be appropriate (the regular January meeting shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Annual Meeting”).
Section 2. The Pastor or the Council may call additional Congregational Meetings as needed. The Council shall be required to call a meeting upon the written request of at least one third of the members of FCUCC provided such notice details a valid purpose for the meeting.
Section 3. Notice of all Congregational Meetings, specifying the nature of the business to be transacted, shall be given to all members whose current address is on file in the church office no less than two weeks prior to the meeting by U.S. mail or electronic mail to last known address. All such meetings shall be announced in advance during Sunday services and in the bulletin no less than two weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 4. The personal non-electronic presence of fifteen percent of the total membership of FCUCC shall be considered a quorum for the purposes of transacting business at any Congregational Meeting.
Section 5. A decision made by a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be considered a decision of the Congregation unless otherwise provided in this Constitution. Voting shall be by a show of hands or voice vote, except for a contested election of Council members, which shall be by written ballot. A written ballot shall be used on any other matter if requested by the Council or at least ten present members. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be permitted in any Annual Meeting or Congregational Meeting.
Section 6. The Annual Meeting and any Congregational Meeting shall be conducted in an informal but orderly style that encourages participation. The most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order may be used to facilitate discussion and decision-making, as the acting Moderator or the Pastor deems appropriate.
Section 1. The Council is FCUCC’s primary governing body, for day-to-day business in between Congregational Meetings, acting as a fiduciary on behalf of, and accountable directly to, the membership. The Council’s duties include, but are not limited to:
a. Serving as stewards of FCUCC’s mission and vision, setting short-term and long-term goals in keeping with the mission and vision, and periodically evaluating programs and policies
b. Fostering church communication and administration
c. Ensuring that FCUCC’s property, assets and resources are used lawfully, ethically and safely, in furtherance of the mission and vision, and in compliance with applicable governing documents and policies
d. Setting policies to guide the work of the Council, staff, volunteers, ministry teams, and the Congregation as a whole, but leaving day-to-day decision making to the appropriate individuals, committees and teams. (A current written statement of all such policies shall be maintained by the Clerk in the church office and shall be avail¬able for inspection and reference. All such policies shall be reviewed periodically by Council and amended as necessary. Policies in effect the day this Constitution is adopted shall remain in effect until otherwise changed by Council.)
e. Overseeing FCUCC’s finances, including development of a proposed annual budget, and raising funds to support the annual budget and any special funding campaigns and shall appoint a firm or individual for the purpose of carrying out the duties prescribed in Article XI, Section 4.
f. Hiring and firing staff positions other than the Pastor and establishing personnel policies and ensuring that an effective staff evaluation process is implemented
g. Providing direction to, and oversight of, the Pastor on behalf of the Congregation in compliance with this constitution and the call agreement
h. Appointing all representatives of the church to outside entities
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for the Council, as set forth in Article VIII, Section 2. Any member of FCUCC in good standing shall be eligible for nomination to serve on the Council. The nominations shall specify one candidate for each of the Council positions: Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer, Clerk, Building Chair, Christian Education Chair, Church and Ministry Chair, Diaconate Chair and Mission and Service Chair.
Section 3. The Council will have nine voting members and shall consist of the Moderator, the Vice Moderator, the Clerk, the Treasurer and one representative of each of the following five committees: Building, Christian Education, Church and Ministry, Diaconate and Mission and Service. These people shall constitute the total voting membership. A quorum shall consist of more than fifty percent of full membership. The Pastor shall be an ex officio member of the Council, without voting rights, and shall attend Council meetings except upon recusal or motion with two-thirds vote of the Council when personnel matters directly related to the Pastor are being discussed.
Section 4. The Pastor and Moderator shall be ex officio members with voting rights on all other FCUCC committees and bodies acting on behalf of FCUCC except as otherwise provided but shall not be included for purposes of determining a quorum.
Section 5. The Council shall meet no less than ten times per year, at a time and location to be determined by the Council. Council meetings shall be open to the Congregation, except that the Council may meet in closed session when the matters under consideration require confidentiality. Minutes of Council meetings (except for closed-session meetings) will be made available for review in the church office.
Section 6. A Council member may resign at any time by giving notice to the Council. Additionally, a Council member may be removed from office by an affirmative vote of no less than two-thirds of the voting members of the Council. In the event of a Council member vacancy, whether by resignation, removal or otherwise, the Council may, by majority vote, appoint another member of the Council to fill the vacancy. Any Council member so appointed shall serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Section 7. A simple majority of the Council shall be considered a quorum for the purposes of transacting business. The action of a majority of Council members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the action of the Council, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.
Section 8. Any one or more Council members may participate in a Council meeting by means of a conference telephone or other communications device that allows all persons participating in the meeting to communicate at least audibly with each other. Such participation shall be deemed presence in person at Council and other committee meetings, but not Annual Meetings or other Congregational Meetings.
Section 9. Action taken by a majority of Council members without a meeting is deemed to be Council action if all Council members – including the Pastor– have been adequately notified of the proposed action and have been given an adequate opportunity to express their opinions.
Section 1. The Officers of FCUCC shall be the Moderator, the Vice Moderator, the Clerk and the Treasurer. Officers, with the exception of the Treasurer, shall serve for an approximate one-year term, which shall begin on the date of election and end on the close of the next Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall serve for a three-year term.
Section 2. An Officer may resign at any time by giving notice to the Council. Additionally, an Officer may be removed from office by an affirmative vote of no less than a majority of members of the Council. In the event of an Officer vacancy, whether by resignation, removal or otherwise, the Council may, by majority vote, appoint another member of the Council to fill the vacancy. Any Officer so appointed shall serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Section 3. The Moderator shall preside at all meetings of the Congregation and at all meetings of the Council and shall perform such other duties as the Council or Congregation may from time to time determine.
Section 4. The Vice Moderator shall assume the functions and responsibilities of the Moderator when the Moderator is absent or incapacitated and shall perform such other duties as the Council or Congregation may from time to time determine.
Section 5. The Clerk shall take minutes of Council meetings and Annual meetings and be responsible for keeping accurate records of baptisms, weddings, funerals and membership.
Section 6. The Treasurer shall make a monthly written financial statement to the Council and to the Department of Stewardship. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the following duties:
a. The Treasurer shall receive from the Church Office Manager all monies contributed for current expenses, benevo¬lences, trust investments, legacies, wills, etc., and shall, with the approval of the Council, pay all bills of the Church within the current expense and benevolence budget approved by the Governing Body.
b. The Treasurer shall be the authorized check signer for the church. Should the Treasurer be absent, ill or otherwise not available, the second authorized check signer shall be the Moderator who shall serve as Assistant Treasurer.
c. The Treasurer shall make a quarterly report to the membership of the receipts, disbursements, and the financial condition of the Church.
d. The Treasurer and Council shall provide the Governing Body at the Annual meeting with a review of the accounts and business affairs of the Church.
e. The Treasurer, under the direction Council, shall maintain appropriate accounts to fulfill the requirements of the Treasurer's function.
1) Funds that are to be used for current expenses and benevolences, or are received through the church for a designated purpose, will be invested until needed. A report of all receipts and disbursements of these funds will be presented to the Finance Committee and Council monthly. All temporary investments of funds will also be reported.
2) Council shall decide which other receipts of funds, whether in cash, securities or real estate, shall be transferred to the Endowment Fund and which shall be used for other purposes.
3) Unbudgeted expenses exceeding four percent of the annual budget must have approval from the Governing Body. Council will approve smaller amounts.
4) Endowment Fund - Council shall determine if a professional investment management company should manage the endowment fund. If no manager is so selected, the Treasurer will assume this responsibility. In either event, the responsible party will make a quarterly report to Council.
5) The Treasurer, upon approval of Council, is hereby authorized to purchase or dispose of marketable securities as deemed necessary in the best interest of the Church. The Moderator will be authorized to do so in the absence of the Treasurer.
Section 7. The Moderator, Vice Moderator and Treasurer may be empowered by church policy or Council vote to sign documents and contracts on behalf of FCUCC in accordance with this Constitution and applicable policies.
Section 1. The standing committees shall be the Building Committee, the Christian Education Committee, the Church and Ministry Committee, the Diaconate Committee, the Finance Committee, the Mission and Service Committee, the Pastoral Relations Committee and the Personnel Committee, along with such additional committees as the Council may establish pursuant to Section 3 of this Article. The members of the committees described below in paragraphs a-f shall be elected for two-year terms with approximately one-half of each committee being elected on even years and the remaining members elected on odd years. Each committee shall consist of four elected members including the chairperson except the Diaconate Committee that shall consist of at least eight members including the chairperson. A quorum for committee meetings shall be 50% of the elected members.
a. The Building Committee
1) Function: Care for the total property and resources of the Church in trust from God, who holds us accountable for our stewardship
2) Areas for responsibility shall include: Overseeing the upkeep, maintenance, and use of: church facilities, property and archives. Subject to approval of Council, an historian may be appointed.
b. The Christian Education Committee
1) Function: Seek to provide an appropriate climate and program within which persons of all ages may grow and develop into a deepening relationship with God and the community of faith.
2) Areas of responsibility shall include:
a) Children’s Ministry
b) Youth Ministry
c) Adult Education
d) Library and Audiovisuals
e) Leadership Training
f) Camping and Retreats
g) Confirmation
h) Others
c. The Church and Ministry Committee
1) Function:
a) General pastoral care
b) The upholding and furthering of excellence in ministry and discipleship
c) The development of a deepening sense of fellowship in belonging to the local church and the Church Universal, the whole people of God
d) Welcoming visitors
2) Areas of responsibility shall include:
a) Worship
b) Music
c) Ushering
d) Flowers
e) Receptions
f) Fellowship and Social Functions
g) Pulpit Supply
d. The Diaconate Committee
1) Structure: The Diaconate Committee shall meet regularly or at the call of the Pastor.
2) Function: The Diaconate Committee shall encourage members of this church to participate in the faithful practice of discipleship and in fulfilling the high standards of requirements for membership.
3) Areas of responsibility shall include:
a) The Diaconate Committee shall assist the Pastor:
i. In the preparation and administering of the sacraments
ii. In the orientation, receiving and assimilating of new members
iii. In the ministry of compassion to all members, particularly those in need, those infirm and those aggrieved
iv. Called-to-care members appointed by the Diaconate Committee may assist the Diaconate Committee in the above duties including giving communion to shut-ins.
b) The Diaconate Committee shall keep the membership roll current each year and counsel with those members who are inactive in order to activate them or to recommend to Council their movement to inactive status. Those with inactive status may be granted letters of transfer to another church or granted active status in the future.
e. The Finance Committee shall provide education, support, advice and oversight to the Council and church staff on matters related to FCUCC’s budget and finances, and shall perform such specific or additional duties as the Council may from time to time determine. The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer, the Pastor and three additional members from the Congregation, who shall be appointed by the Council for such terms, as the Council shall designate. The Treasurer shall be the Chair of the Finance Committee.
1) Function:
a) Encourage stewardship for annual budgets and other needs
b) Promote responsible action with regard to the church obligations of both the local and wider church
c) Annually review the investment parameters of the church’s endowment funds and recommend appropriate changes to Council
2) Areas of responsibility shall include:
a) Oversee and evaluate the financial operation of the church: its funds, investments and budgets
b) Timely prepare a proposed budget to submit to Council for approval or alteration before final presentation to the Governing Body
c) Organize and manage the enlistment program
d) Encourage bequests for the Investment Trust Fund from the church membership
f. The Mission and Service Committee
1) Function:
a) Continually assess the hopes and needs of the world – at the local, state, national and international levels
b) Continually assess the capacities and talents of this church and other groups
c) Guided by the Holy Spirit, determine specific action arising out of a creative tension between the hopes and needs of the world on the one hand and, on the other hand, the capacities and talents of the church and others to act
2) Areas of responsibility include:
a) Social concerns
b) Mission
c) Other areas of service that may be of interest to our Congregation
g. The Pastoral Relations Committee shall have not less than three or more than six members and shall meet as needed with the Pastor to address concerns of Pastor-parish relations. The Council, with input from the Pastor, shall appoint the Chair and members of the Pastoral Relations Committee, who shall be members of FCUCC. Meetings of the Pastoral Relations Committee shall be held in executive session, and the content of all Pastoral Relations Committee meetings shall be held in strict confidence. The Pastoral Relations Committee shall act as a two-way conduit for information and concerns raised by either the Pastor or members of the Congregation, representing in confidence the concerns of those who prefer not to raise them directly, and seeking amicable resolution of problems raised.
h. The Personnel Committee
1) Structure: The Personnel Committee shall consist of the Moderator as its Chair, the Vice Moderator, the Chair of the Diaconate Committee, the Chair of the Church and Ministry Committee, and such other persons, if any, which Council may designate, with the Pastor(s) serving as an ex-officio member(s).
2) Areas of responsibility include: hiring and termination of paid staff (other than the Pastor), conducting annual performance appraisals of the Pastor and of paid staff with input from the Pastor, addressing any performance or behavioral concerns with paid staff and generally attending to any concerns which arise with respect to paid staff. The content of all meetings of the Personnel Committee shall be held in strict confidence. Paid staff shall be hired under written contracts with specified terms and conditions.
Section 2. The ad hoc committees appointed by the Council shall include the Nominating Committee, and any additional committees as the Council may establish pursuant to Section 3 of this Article. The Council shall oversee all committees except for Nominating Committee and the Pastoral Relations Committee.
a. Approximately three months prior to the Annual Meeting, the Council shall appoint three church members to serve on the Nominating Committee; one of them will be named Chair.
b. The Nominating Committee, in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Council and approved by the Congregation, shall select Council and standing committee nominees. The Nominating Committee shall announce the slate of Council candidates to the Congregation no less than two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
c. At the Annual Meeting, members of FCUCC shall have the right to nominate candidates in addition to those on the slate, provided that the nominee consents to the nomination.
d. The term of the members of the Nominating Committee shall end at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
Section 3. The Council may appoint such additional standing committees and ad hoc committees, as it deems necessary to assist in the work of the Council and FCUCC. The Council shall determine the membership and duties of each such committee, and the terms of committee members, at the time the committee is established.
Section 1. Recognizing that all members of the church are called to be ministers of Christ, the task of the ordained pastor is to be a special minister among ministers, not the only minister. Because of the pastor's educational background, professional skills, and competence recognized by denominational standing, he or she is acknowledged as the professional leader and pastor of this church.
Section 2. Pastor Duties and Compensation
a. The nature and terms of the Pastor's duties shall be broadly construed to be those traditionally associated with the office of an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, e.g., preaching and conducting worship, visitation, pastoral counseling and management of church staff. Other duties more specifically described may be negotiated by mutual agreement between the Pastor and the Church Council, as either deems desirable.
b. The Pastor’s compensation package, including salary, fringe benefits, housing arrangements, vacation, and other details related to the Pastor’s employment, is detailed in the Call Agreement executed by the Moderator, the Treasurer, the Chair of the Committee on Pastoral Leadership and the Pastor and approved by the Association Minister. The Council and the Pastor on an annual basis at the request of the Council or the Pastor may mutually review specific terms of the compensation package, and modifications to the compensation package may be made only by mutual agreement of the Council and the Pastor. The Call Agreement is for an indefinite period and may not be terminated except as provided in Section 4 of this Article.
Section 3. Call of the Pastor: Among the steps involved in calling a pastor are these:
a. The Governing Body shall elect a Committee on Pastoral Leadership with not less than seven nor more than ten members, and one member to be under twenty years of age.
b. The Diaconate shall arrange for temporary supply of the pulpit and pastoral ministry as needed, preferably by means of an Interim Pastor.
c. The Committee on Pastoral Leadership, in consultation with the Ohio Con¬ference of the United Church of Christ, and other appropriate agencies, shall seek a candidate for presentation to the membership.
d. Upon finding a favorable candidate by two-thirds agreement, the Committee on Pastoral Leadership shall present the name at a duly called meeting of the Governing Body. A favorable vote of two thirds of those present constitutes a call.
Section 4. The election of the Pastor shall be for an indefinite period. In order to terminate this relationship, the Pastor must give sixty days’ notice and the Council shall act on such resignation. The church, for its part, may terminate this relation¬ship giving ninety days’ notice, after using the following proce¬dure: The Council shall consider the case for proposed dismissal at a meeting called specifically for that purpose, prior to which the Pastor shall have been given at least ten days’ notice in writing of the pending action and the church shall have sought the counsel of the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ. The Pastor may attend such meeting of the Council and shall be given full opportunity for a hearing with whatever assistance he or she may choose. The Council shall then consider the subject in closed session without the Pastor. If a majority of the votes of the Council favors dismissal, a special meeting of the Governing Body shall be called and the matter presented, allowing the Pastor ample opportunity to comment. If the majority of members present favor dismissal, it shall take effect in ninety days, and the action shall be reported promptly to the United Church of Christ and its Association.
Section 5. The church shall engage such other professional staff members as it may desire and such other employees as may prove necessary or desirable. All such staff members and employees shall be hired by the Personnel Committee and shall be subject to the supervision and direction of the Pastor under plans recommend¬ed by the Personnel Committee and approved by the Council. All such employees shall be hired under written contracts with specified terms and conditions.
Section 6. There shall be a Pastor’s Discretionary Fund for which collections may be taken at every celebration of the Sacrament of Communion, and at other times if needed. The Pastor will be responsible for the distribution of said funds consistent with the ministries and/or vision of the church at the Pastor’s discretion.
Section 7. Other clergy may be hired part-time as staff through the regular employee hire process.
FCUCC’s fiscal year shall begin on January 1 of each calendar year and end on December 31.
Section 1. The church may, in its corporate name, sue or be sued, ac¬quire by purchase, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise and own, hold, invest, reinvest or dispose of property both real and personal, own, receive, hold, manage, care for and transfer, rent, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber, sell, assign, trans¬fer and convey such property for the general purposes of the church; it may receive and hold in trust both real and personal property and invest and reinvest the same and make any contracts for promoting the goals and purposes of the church.
Section 2. The church may, at any time, receive gifts and bequests in the form of cash, stocks, bonds, securities, and tangible and intangible personal property so long as the designated uses do not encumber the purposes of the church, impair the aesthetic value of the property, or infringe upon the rights of members. In the event that real estate is offered to the church as a gift, the acceptance of such a gift shall require the positive vote of two-thirds of the Church Council which shall consider not only the criteria set forth above for personal property but also whether the ownership of the real estate may incur excessive management or operational expenses or fines, penalties and or expenses for violations of the Superfund Law and other similar legislation and regulations. All gifts and bequests accepted by the church shall be used only as directed by the donor. If no designation is made by the donor, the gift’s use shall be determined by a majority vote of the Church Council as provided in Article VII, Section 6 (e)(3). The principal and income of designated investment funds may be invaded only upon authorization by a two thirds vote at a duly called meeting of the Governing Body. The Investment Trust Fund income shall be allocated 25% to missions and 75% to maintenance, repair, or addition to church property.
Section 3. Upon dissolution of the church, its assets and all property and interests of which it shall then be possessed, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, shall be transferred, after an escrow period of 2 years, to the Central Southeast Ohio Association of the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ. (The General Synod does not require it, and it is the intent to make it clear that the United Church of Christ stands firmly on Article IV, Section 15 of the Denomination Constitution. Under the Internal Revenue Service regulations, if there is not a specific disavowal that the assets on dissolution will be distributed to the membership, the church will not qualify as an exempt organization. See Internal Revenue Code Sec. 501 (c) (3) and the regulations there¬under.)
Section 4. The records, accounts and financial systems of FCUCC shall be reviewed at least once in every three-year period and at a reasonable time after a new Treasurer takes office. Council shall cause the review to be conducted by an outside firm or individual(s) with appropriate background and experience, recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Council. A written report, summarizing the results of the review, will be presented to the Council and made available to individuals from the Congregation upon request.
The Congregation may dissolve FCUCC by a three-quarters vote of the members present at a duly called Congregational Meeting. Upon dissolution of FCUCC and after all obligations have been met, the assets of FCUCC shall be transferred to such other organizations or entities as shall be specified in a plan of dissolution approved by a three quarters of the members present at a duly called Congregational Meeting, provided that any such organization or entity specified in the plan of dissolution shall qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding provision of any successor Internal Revenue Law. In developing a plan of dissolution, FCUCC shall confer with the appropriate representative(s) of the wider United Church of Christ. For purposes of this Article, the assets of FCUCC shall include all real and personal property and any interest in real or personal property, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after dissolution.
This Constitution may be amended by a three-quarters vote of the members present at any duly called Congregational Meeting, provided that the text of the proposed amendment has been provided to the Congregation in advance along with the notice of the meeting. The Council, the Pastor, or any ten or more members of FCUCC may propose amendments with proper notice.
This Constitution supersedes and replaces all preceding Constitutions, and shall take effect upon the affirmative vote of three-quarters of the members present at a Congregational Meeting duly called for the purpose and at which a quorum is present.
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This Constitution was duly revised and adopted at a Congregational Meeting on March 10, 2019.